# Servo Driver
This module takes an analog input (perhaps from a PID Controller in an adjacent slot) and converts it to a 50Hz pulse train, suitable for position control of common hobby servo motors.
The top-level module creates two counter blocks, one that governs the rate of the pulses and the other that ticks at the time resolution of the pulse width. The counters divide the input clock by 2^(EXPONENT) / Increment
, i.e. 2^24 / 3
giving roughly 50Hz from the Pro's 312.5MHz clock for the overall pulse timer, and 2^15 / 107
giving roughly 2048 steps within a 2ms pulse.
The output is nominally a digital signal, with the bit values corresponding to high
and low
voltages defined as constants, 0x000
and 0x7FF
corresponding to zero and maximum DAC output range respectively.
This example is available on Gitlab (opens new window).
Clock Rate
The example is configured for Moku:Pro's 312.5MHz clock. The divider ratios should be changed before you attempt to run this on another platform.
# Top-Level Module
library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;
library Moku;
use Moku.Support.ScaleOffset;
use Moku.Support.clip;
-- This design implements a Pulse Width Modulator which translates
-- InputA into a pulse train suitable for controlling a standard Servo.
-- The input can span the entire 16 bit range and is conditioned by
-- a DSP block with Controls 1 and 2.
-- Control0: gain of InputA, signed(15 downto 0)
-- Control1: offset of InputA, signed(15 downto 0)
-- OutputA will be a ~50Hz pulse train with the width of each pulse
-- modulated from 500usS to 2500uS depending on InputA. The output
-- amplitude is set from 0 to +MAX.
-- This is designed for Moku:Pro's 312.5MHz clock. The clock dividers
-- below will need to be changed when running on other platforms.
-- The resolution of the pulse width is 2048 increments over the
-- 2ms span.
-- When output to a DAC, this should be appropriate for a standard
-- servo.
architecture Behavioural of CustomWrapper is
constant HI_LVL : signed(15 downto 0) := x"7FFF";
constant LO_LVL : signed(15 downto 0) := x"0000";
signal Value : signed(12 downto 0); -- The scaled input
signal Count : unsigned(12 downto 0); -- Timer for pulse width
signal Pulse50Hz : std_logic; -- Strobe at 50Hz to start each pulse
signal Pulse : std_logic; -- Strobe we can count to set the width of each pulse
-- Adjust the gain and offset of InputA, and output to Value
INPUT_SCALE: ScaleOffset
port map (
Clk => Clk,
Reset => Reset,
X => InputA,
Scale => signed(Control0(15 downto 0)), -- 1024
Offset => signed(Control1(15 downto 0)), -- 1024
Z => Value,
Valid => Pulse50Hz,
OutValid => open
-- These two Counters generate out Pulse signals by dividing
-- our system clock (312.5MHz on Moku:Pro). The divisor is
-- 2^(EXPONENT) / Increment and is used to generate both the
-- rate at which servo pulses are output, and the ticks within
-- a pulse that govern the pulse width resolution.
OSC: entity WORK.Counter
generic map (24) -- 2^24 / 3 ~ 50Hz from 312.5MHz.
port map (Clk, Reset, '1', to_unsigned(3, 4), Pulse50Hz);
OSC2: entity WORK.Counter
generic map (15) -- 2^15 / 107 gives roughly 2048 steps in a 2ms.
port map (Clk, Pulse50Hz, '1', to_unsigned(107, 8), Pulse);
-- We start this counter at the current Value and count down on
-- each assertion of Pulse. Then stop and wait until the next Pulse50
process(Clk) is
if rising_edge(Clk) then
if Pulse50Hz = '1' then
-- Reset at ~50Hz, start at the current input Value
-- adding 512 gives the output pulse a minimum 500uS width
Count <= resize(unsigned(clip(Value, 11, 0)), Count'length) + 512;
elsif Pulse = '1' and Count /= 0 then
-- Count down on each Pulse and stop at zero
Count <= Count - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Finally we convert our Count value into our pulse train
OutputA <= HI_LVL when Count /= 0 else LO_LVL;
end architecture;
# Counter/Timer Module
library IEEE;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;
-- A Counter provides an "event timer" by diving inputs events
-- by 2^EXPONENT / Increment
entity Counter is
generic (
EXPONENT : positive := 8;
PHASE90 : boolean := false
port (
Clk : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
Enable : in std_logic; -- Drive to '1' to divide Clk
Increment : in unsigned;
Strobe : out std_logic -- Output events
end entity;
architecture Behavioural of Counter is
signal Count : unsigned(EXPONENT downto 0);
assert Increment'length <= Count'length severity FAILURE;
process(Clk) is
if rising_edge(Clk) then
if Reset = '1' then
Count <= (others => '0');
if PHASE90 then
Count(EXPONENT - 1) <= '1';
end if;
elsif Enable = '1' then
-- Trim the MSB but allow overflow into it. This gives a single Clk cycle
-- output pulse on Strobe.
Count <= resize(Count(Count'left - 1 downto 0), Count'length) + Increment;
-- Prevent output longer the a single Clk cycle
Count(Count'left) <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Just use the MSB of Count overflowing as our event
Strobe <= Count(Count'left);
end architecture;